Once upon a time ...

Once upon a time in the year 2020, there was a young woman who had two beautiful daughters aged four and three months old. The mother was so happy and grateful for her blessings but little did the mother know that this was the beginning of a very strange time, when the world would stand still, families and friends would be forced to stay away from each other and no one would be allowed outside.
The mother grew weary as she tried her best to keep her two girls entertained and safe from the invisible Covid monsters that lurked beyond the walls.
"Mummy I'm bored" said her eldest daughter one afternoon
The mother scratched her head and looked around the kitchen which was full to the brim with laundry and dirty dishes, maintaining a tidy home, keeping everywhere clean and germ-free, cooking all the meals for her family, looking after a newborn baby and entertaining her little girl all at the same time felt pretty overwhelming that day.
The world as she knew it seemed like a distant stranger and everytime she stepped outside with her family or turned on the television they were bombarded with loud reminders to 'wash your hands' and 'keep your distance'. Fed up with the endless dry and cracked hands caused by the repeated washing and sanitising, the mother decided to make her own soap that was full of nourishing oils and beautiful botanical ingredients.
A little afternoon of fun with her little girl would be a welcomed treat and the family could actually feel good about washing their hands for a change.
Month after month the mother and daughter made soap for themselves and as gifts for their family and friends until one day a letter came from the mothers little brother, she missed him dearly and a tear fell upon her cheek as she read the his closing sentence;
The mother had an eureka moment as she saw her parents name; Rosemary and Herbert in a whole new way for the first time, it was the catalyst for her simple handmade soap idea, she realised that it had the potential to blossom into something more fruitful.
A ray of sunshine amidst the grey clouds created a brilliant rainbow that day and a mesmerising moonbeam that night, a seed had been planted and it was the beginning of Rose & Herb.
The mother continued to experiment and learnt the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils, she started creating candles, diffusers, body oils, sugar scrubs and lots more exciting lotions and potions.
But this is only our fairy tale so far, the next part includes discovering a lot more magical places, launching new and exciting products and planting trees around the world, thank you for joining us on our journey, let's see where it takes us.
~ Elisha (daughter of Rose & Herb)